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Son Heung-Min to undergo military training in South Korea

by 투자비타민 2020. 4. 12.

Son Heung-Min to undergo military training in South Korea

By Aleks Klosok, Jane Sit and George Ramsay, CNN

Updated 1138 GMT (1938 HKT) April 6, 2020



Tottenham Hotspur star Son Heung-Min will undertake military service in South Korea during football's ongoing shutdown, his agent, Son Seung-hyuk, confirmed to CNN.

Son is currently completing two weeks of self-quarantine after returning to South Korea last month with the Premier League suspended amid the coronavirus outbreak.

토트넘 홋스퍼의 스타 손흥민이 축구 셧다운 기간 동안 한국에서 군복무를 할 것이라고 그의 에이전트인 손승혁이 CNN에 확인했다.

손은 코로나바이러스가 발생한 가운데 프리미어리그가 중단되면서 지난달 귀국한 뒤 2주간의 자체 검역을 마무리하고 있다.

* undertake 착수하다. 약속(동의)하다  *ongoing 계속 진행중인

* quarantine 격리/격리하다



The 27-year-old, who captains his national team, avoided military conscription in 2018 after winning the Asian Games with South Korea, but exempt athletes are still required by law to undertake four weeks of national service, or three weeks with the Marine Corps.

국가대표팀을 이끄는 27세의 이 선수는 2018년 한국과의 아시안 게임에서 우승한 후 군 징병을 피했지만, 여전히 면제된 선수들은 4주 또는 해병대에서 3주 동안 군복무를 해야 한다.

* conscription 징병제



"(Son) will move to Jeju Island as soon as he has completed self-quarantine, and will receive three weeks of basic military training at the 9th Brigade of the Marine Corps beginning on April 20," said his agent.

"Basic military training in the army is usually scheduled for four weeks, but the navy (the Marine Corps) has been changed to three weeks from 2019."

그의 에이전트는 "(손씨가) 자가 격리를 마치는 대로 제주도로 이동해 4월 20일부터 해병대 9여단에서 3주간 기초군사훈련을 받을 예정"이라고 밝혔다.
"군대에서의 기본 군사훈련은 통상 4주 예정인데 해군(해병대)이 2019년부터 3주로 변경됐다."

Son celebrates scoring against Manchester City earlier this year.
